alguien se copa y me hace la musica para esto?

i know im not a tool
but i will act as one if you want me to
guess my desire beats the shit out of my pride now
whatever i can get, im a whore of yoir intend
only what you want, swear to never complain

fuck my brains out if it you think
it'll make you feel any better
i'll try not to scare you,
try not to scare you.

i feel all you want me to
i dont care if you hate me
it's okay when you hurt me
cause i  hurt myself too

im dying to give you what you want
im dying to give you what you want
im dying to give you what you want
im dying to give you what you want


(ah si, escribo en ingles. y escribo letras de canciones. pero no tengo la musica. ponele musica. y si, es re emo, soy re emo, no me corto, chupenla, balbalaa. )

2 comentarios:

  1. yo te la hago, pero solo se hacer death metal y cosas asi.. y la tenes que cantar vos porque yo no se cantar


yo también te quiero